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Jennifer Lopez is a single mom who lives inDecatur, Illinoiswith her three children.In2018,the first year of the Tax Credit Scholarship Program,Jennifer’s two oldest children were awardedfull scholarships to attend Holy Family Catholic School, wheretheyhad previouslyreceivedfinancialaid.In 2019, her third child was eligible for a tax credit scholarship, and all three of her childrenhave been able to attendHoly Familytuition-free over the past two years.

“There is no way I would be able to afford to send my kids to Holy Family without these scholarships,” Jennifer says. “With this newfound financial freedom,I was able to go back to school and finish my Associate’s Degree. I’m currently pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree while working full time.”

Jennifer speaks incredibly highly of Holy Family’s response tothe COVID-19 pandemic. During the shutdown last March, Holy Family was able to quickly pivot to online learning,and Jennifer felther kids were able to maintain learning standards during that time.“We have had teachers come to our house to drop off books, paperwork, whatever the kids might need. They have really gone above and beyond,” says Jennifer.In the fall, Holy Familyofferedfamilies the optiontosafelyattend classesin-person orcontinue classes remotely. “I really appreciatedhavingthe option,so families can do whatever makes them feelmostcomfortable. But my kidsarevery happy to be back inclass with their friends and teachers.The public schools in our area just resumed in-person learning a few weeks ago, and I cannot imagineworking,completing my own school work online, and helping my kids with remote learning for that many months.”

When asked about the Governor’s proposed cuts tothe Tax Credit Scholarship Program, Jennifer hopes legislators will voteto protect the program.“I do not know what we would do without these scholarships,” said Jennifer. “I fully support funding for public schools, but theway the system is right now,theywould not offer the same resources and quality education for my kids.I hope legislators realize that this program is the only way that hard-working families like mine can send their children to their best-fit school.I’ll do whatever I can to help the program, andhope to become a donor myself once I amfinancially able.”

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