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My daughter Madasynn has attended St. James Catholic School in Millstadt, Illinois for two years on a tax credit scholarship.

When I was first informed about the Tax Credit Scholarship Program I knew that I had to apply. I figured the worst that could happen was that I would be rejected. I was a paraprofessional in a public school district at the time. As a parent, all you want is to give your children the best life possible and I believe that starts with education.

This Tax Credit Scholarship Program gives me the ability to send my daughter, to what I believe is the best school. It also relieved a lot of stress – I work full time, am a single mother, and get no assistance anywhere else. Her father passed away in 2014, so all financial responsibility falls onto my shoulders. I can work on bettering our future financially while getting help from families who want to give back to their local community.

If the Governor’s proposed cuts to the Tax Credit Scholarship Program were passed it would devastate our school. 15 students are receiving these scholarships at St. James, which means we would potentially lose 15 students. That is a devastating blow to our school community. This program gives people equal opportunity to work to better their situation while sending their students to a wonderful school.

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