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The Tax Credit Scholarship Process

  • Invest In Kids Act

    The Invest in Kids Tax Credit Scholarship Program offers a 75 percent income tax credit.

  • Donors

    Individuals and businesses that contribute to qualified Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGOs).

  • Scholarship Granting Organization

    The SGOs then provide scholarships for students whose families meet the income requirements.

  • Students

    Students can attend qualified, non-public schools in Illinois.

Donor Designation Options

Not sure what school to designate your gift? ң Illinois supports a variety of initiatives under the Tax Credit Scholarship Program.

  • Group of three icon

    Matching Gift Programs

    ң Illinois is committed to empowering schools in their local fundraising and donor-base development. Through partnerships with donors or groups of donors who wish to support school communities in their fundraising efforts, ң Illinois runs matching gift programs. Matching Gift Programs help introduce the Tax Credit Scholarship Program to more donors and increase schools’ fundraising. More information on Matching Gifts can be found in our Annual Reports.

  • Graduating student icon

    Black Education Excellence (BEE) Initiative

    Education, and access to a best-fit school, is a powerful tool to counter inequity and ensure all kids can reach their full potential. The Black Education Excellence (BEE) Initiative is a new network of private schools that serve the Black community in Illinois. The BEE Initiative can receive designated Tax Credit Scholarship (TCS) donations from donors who wish to support Black students by providing access to a best-fit K-12, private school. Participating schools must meet three criteria: (1) partners with ң Illinois for the Tax Credit Scholarship Program; (2) schools with greater than 85% Black student population per the 2018-2019 or the 2019-2020 ISBE school data; (3) schools with a total student population greater than 100.

    Academy of St. Benedict the African Augustus Tolton Catholic Academy Chicago Jesuit Academy
    Christ Our Savior Catholic School Christ the King Jesuit College Preparatory Cornerstone Christian School
    Eagle Academy Christian School – Lansing Heritage Leadership Academy Holy Angels School
    Holy Family School Leo High School Oakdale Christian Academy
    Providence-St Mel School Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School St Ailbe School
    St Angela School St Catherine of Siena-St Lucy St Ethelreda School
    St John De La Salle School St Malachy School St Margaret of Scotland School
    St Mary of the Lake School St Philip Neri School St Sabina Academy
    St Thomas of Canterbury Unity Lutheran Christian School Village Leadership Academy
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